Publikationen Publikationen der Abteilung
Demokratie, Demokratieabbau und Covid | Rahul Mukherji, Harsh Mander and Seyed Hossein Zarhani | The Most Important Elections You Just Missed | 2024 | The Journal of Democracy | |
Demokratie, Demokratieabbau und Covid | Rahul Mukherji | India's Authortarian Slide | 2024 | The Journal of Democracy | |
Demokratie, Demokratieabbau und Covid | Matias Castrén | Narendra Modi ja Intian demokratian mahalasku (Narendra Modi and the backslide of India’s democracy) | 2023 | The Ulkopolitist | |
Demokratie, Demokratieabbau und Covid | Rahul Mukherji | NGOs and Civil Society | 2023 | Sumit Ganguly: The State of India’s Democracy, University of Mishigan Press | |
Klimawandel- und Sozialstaats-Policies | Jai Pasad | The Primacy of Politics: Interrogating Indigeneity and Ecology in India | 2023 | Südasien-Chronik | |
Demokratie, Demokratieabbau und Covid | Jai Prasad | Caste and Tribe | 2023 | Surinder S. Jodhka and Jules Naudet: The Oxford Handbook of Caste | |
Klimawandel- und Sozialstaats-Policies | Tanvi Deshpande, Rahul Mukherji and Mekhala Sastry | Policy Styles and India's National Action Plan on Climate Change (NAPCC) | 2023 | Policy Studies | |
Demokratie, Demokratieabbau und Covid | Rahul Mukherji and Seyed Hossein Zarhani | India's Democracy: The Competitive Authoritarian Propensity? | 2023 | Pacific Affairs | |
Demokratie, Demokratieabbau und Covid | Rahul Mukherji and Seyed Hossein Zarhani | The Pandemic and Competitive Authoritarianism in India | 2023 | Routledge in: Democracy, State-Capacity and the Governance of COVID-19 in Asia Oceania (Croissant and Hellmann) | |
Demokratie, Demokratieabbau und Covid | Matias Castrén | Varjoja paratiisissa – turismi, demokratia ja radikalismi Malediiveilla (Shadows in the paradise – tourism, democracy and radicalism in the Maldives) | 2022 | Sotilasaikakauslehti | |
Politische Ökonomie der Globalisierung und Reform | Rahul Mukherji | Governing India: What Do We Know and Need to Know | 2022 | Saiyed Raza Hashim, Rahul Mukherji and Brajaraja Mishra (Eds.) "Perspectives on Inclusive Policies for Development in India, Springer | |
Politische Ökonomie der Globalisierung und Reform | Saiyed Raza Hashim, Rahul Mukherji and Brajaraja Mishra | Perspectives on Inclusive Policies for Development in India | 2022 | Springer | |
Klimawandel- und Sozialstaats-Policies | Rahul Mukherji and Himanshu Jha | India and Bangladesh in Global Financial Governance: From Structural Conflict to Embedded Liberalism in the Climate Finance Regime | 2022 | Joost Pauwelyn, Martino Maggetti, Tim Büthe, and Ayelet Berman, eds., Rethinking Participation in Global Governance | |
Internationale Beziehungen und Strategische Kultur | Matias Castrén | Suurvaltapelin polttopisteessä – Intia etsii vaihtoehtoja kaksinapaisuudelle (In the focal point of great power games – India looking for alternatives to bipolarity) | 2021 | Ulkopolitiikka | |
Demokratie, Demokratieabbau und Covid | Matias Castrén | Brand New Nation: Capitalist Dreams and Nationalist Designs | 2021 | Kaur, Ravinder: Twenty-First-Century India, Stanford University Press | |
Politische Ökonomie der Globalisierung und Reform | Rahul Mukherji and Seyed Hossein Zarhani | Economies and Development | 2021 | Sumit Ganguly and Neil DeVotta, Understanding Contemporary India, Rienner Publishers | |
Politische Ökonomie der Globalisierung und Reform | Rahul Mukherji and Seyed Hossein Zarhani | Policy paradigms and path dependence: the endogenous roots of institutional displacement and drift in India | 2021 | Global Public Policy and Governance | |
Internationale Beziehungen und Strategische Kultur | Bernhard Beitelmair-Berini | India’s Grand Strategy and Foreign Policy Strategic Pluralism and Subcultures | 2021 | Routledge | |
Klimawandel- und Sozialstaats-Policies | Pralay Kanungo and Sitaram Kumbhar, | Odisha’s Transformation under the Naveen Patnaik Regime | 2021 | Economic & Political Weekly | |
Politische Ökonomie der Globalisierung und Reform | Seyed Hossein Zarhani | Governance and Development in India - A Comparative Study on Andhra Pradesh and Bihar after Liberalization | 2020 | Routledge | |
Internationale Beziehungen und Strategische Kultur | Matias Castrén | India’s Strategic Culture: The Making of National Security Policy | 2020 | International Studies | |
Politische Ökonomie der Globalisierung und Reform | Matias Castrén | ‘The legitimacy of the common currency – justification of the supranational monetary regime in the European periphery | 2020 | Carnival - Journal of the International Students of History Association | |
Politische Ökonomie der Globalisierung und Reform | Matias Castrén | After Austerity: Welfare State Transformation in Europe after the Great Recession | 2020 | Journal of Common Market Studies | |
Internationale Beziehungen und Strategische Kultur | Matias Castrén | Intian ja Kiinan käsirysy läntisellä Himalajalla kuvastaa maailmanpolitiikan dynamiikkaa myös laajemmin (The brawl between India and China in the Western Himalayas also reflects the greater dynamics of global politics) | 2020 | The Ulkopolitist | |
Klimawandel- und Sozialstaats-Policies | Himanshu Jha | Capturing Institutional Change: the case of the Right to Information Act in India | 2020 | Oxford University Press | |
Klimawandel- und Sozialstaats-Policies | Rahul Mukherji and Seyed Hossein Zarhani | Governing India: Evolution of Programmatic Welfare in Andhra Pradesh, | 2020 | Studies in Indian Politics | |
Demokratie, Demokratieabbau und Covid | Rahul Mukherji | Democracy vs. Covid: India’s Illiberal Remedy | 2020 | Journal of Democracy | |
Demokratie, Demokratieabbau und Covid | Rahul Mukherji and Jai Shankar Prasad and Seyed Hossein Zarhani | Can COVID-19 malign the idea of India? | 2020 | The Viral Condition: Identities Virtual Symposium | |
Politische Ökonomie der Globalisierung und Reform | Jivanta Schöttli and Himanshu Jha | Globalization and Governance in India | 2019 | India Review | |
Klimawandel- und Sozialstaats-Policies | Rahul Mukherji and Himanshu Jha and Manab N. Roy | Ideas and Policy Paradigms: Explaining the Fall of Welfare Politics in West Bengal | 2019 | Indian Politics & Policy | |
Klimawandel- und Sozialstaats-Policies | Himanshu Jha | Emerging Politics of Accountability: Sub-national Reflections from Bihar | 2019 | Madhushree Sekher and Radu Carciumaru, eds. Including the Excluded in South Asia, Springer | |
Klimawandel- und Sozialstaats-Policies | Rahul Mukherji and Himanshu Jha | The State, Social Policy and Welfare: Reflections on Andhra Pradesh and West Bengal | 2019 | Vidhu Verma, The State in India: Ideas, Norms and Politics, Orient Blackswan | |
Demokratie, Demokratieabbau und Covid | Sumit Ganguly and Himanshu Jha | The BJP’s Puzzling Victory: Was It about Hindu Nationalism? | 2019 | The Washington Quarterly | |
Politische Ökonomie der Globalisierung und Reform | Seyed Hossein Zarhani | Governance and Development in India - A Comparative Study on Andhra Pradesh and Bihar after Liberalization | 2018 | Routledge Kindle Edition | |
Klimawandel- und Sozialstaats-Policies | Rahul Mukherji and Seyed Hossein Zarhani and Kopulla Raju | State Capacity and Welfare Politics in India: Implementing the Mahatma Gandhi National Rural Employment Guarantee Scheme in Undivided Andhra Pradesh | 2018 | Indian Journal of Human Development | |
Klimawandel- und Sozialstaats-Policies | Himanshu Jha | State Processes, Ideas, and Institutional Change: The Case of the Right to Information Act in India | 2018 | Pacific Affairs | |
Klimawandel- und Sozialstaats-Policies | Himanshu Jha | Emerging Politics of Accountability: Institutional Progression of the Right to Information Act | 2018 | Economic & Political Weekly | |
Internationale Beziehungen und Strategische Kultur | Subrata Kumar Mitra and Srikanth Thaliyakkattil | Bhutan and Sino–Indian Rivalry: The Price of Proximity | 2018 | Asian Survey | |
Politische Ökonomie der Globalisierung und Reform | Rahul Mukherji | Governance Reform in a Weak State: Thirty Years of Indian Experience | 2017 | Governance | |
Klimawandel- und Sozialstaats-Policies | Rahul Mukherji and Himanshu Jha | Bureaucratic Rationality, Political Will, and State Capacity - MGNREGS in Undivided Andhra Pradesh | 2017 | Economic & Political Weekly | |
Klimawandel- und Sozialstaats-Policies | Bernhard Beitelmair-Berini, | Theorizing Indian Strategic Culture(s): Taking Stock of a Controversial Debate | 2017 | Mischa Hansel, Raphaelle Khan and Melissa Levaillant, Theorizing India’s Foreign Policy | |
Internationale Beziehungen und Strategische Kultur | Bernhard Beitelmair-Berini | Theorizing Indian Strategic Culture(s): Taking Stock of a Controversial Debate | 2017 | Mischa Hansel, Raphaelle Khan and Melissa Levaillant, Theorizing India’s Foreign Policy | |
Internationale Beziehungen und Strategische Kultur | Michael Liebig and Saurabh Mishra | The Arthashastra in a Transcultural Perspective: Comparing Kautilya with Sun-Zi, Nizam al-Mulk, Barani and Machiavelli | 2017 | Pentagon Press | |
Politische Ökonomie der Globalisierung und Reform | Rahul Mukherji | India’s Foreign Economic Policies | 2016 | Sumit Ganguly: Engaging the World: Indian Foreign Policy Since 1947, Oxford University Press | |
Politische Ökonomie der Globalisierung und Reform | Rahul Mukherji | Is India a Developmental State? | 2016 | Yin-Wah Chu: The Asian Developmental State: Reexaminations and New Departures: Palgrave Macmillan | |
Internationale Beziehungen und Strategische Kultur | Subrata Kumar Mitra and Michael Liebig | Kautilya's Arthashastra: An Intellectual Portrait: The Classical Roots of Modern Politics in India | 2016 | Nomos | |
Politische Ökonomie der Globalisierung und Reform | Rahul Mukherji | India and Global Economic Governance: From Structural Conflict to Embedded Liberalism | 2014 | International Studies Review | |
Politische Ökonomie der Globalisierung und Reform | Rahul Mukherji | Political Economy of Reforms in India | 2014 | Oxford University Press | ; |
Politische Ökonomie der Globalisierung und Reform | Rahul Mukherji | Globalization and Deregulation: Ideas, Interests and Institutional Change in India | 2014 | Oxford University Press | |
Politische Ökonomie der Globalisierung und Reform | Rahul Mukherji | Ideas, Interest and the Tipping Point: Explaining Economic Change in India | 2013 | Review of International Political Economy | |
Politische Ökonomie der Globalisierung und Reform | Sumit Ganguly, Rahul Mukherji | India since 1980 | 2011 | Cambridge University Press | |
Politische Ökonomie der Globalisierung und Reform | Rahul Mukherji | Interests, Wireless Technology and Institutional Change: From Government Monopoly to Regulated Competition in Indian Telecommunications | 2009 | ournal of Asian Studies | |
Politische Ökonomie der Globalisierung und Reform | Rahul Mukherji | The State, Economic Growth and Development in India | 2009 | India Review | |
Politische Ökonomie der Globalisierung und Reform | Rahul Mukherji | India's Economic Transition: The Politics of Reforms | 2007 | Oxford India Paperbacks |