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Universität Heidelberg
Abteilungen und Außenstellen
Abteilungen und Außenstellen
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Completed PhD Projects
supervised by Prof. Dr. Marcus Nüsser
Dr. Nicolás Zanetta Colombo
METALSCAPES: How mining has shaped metal(loid) distribution in the Atacama Desert?
Dr. Dagmar Brombierstäudl
Exploring aufeis in the Trans-Himalaya: Remote sensing-based studies of a neglected cryosphere component
Dr. Stanzin Passang
Snow Cover Distribution in the Trans-Himalayan Region of Ladakh, India
Dr. Maike Petersen
Producing charcoal in a sub-Saharan dryland. The case of Pokot Central, Kenya
Dr. Judith Müller
Urban Mountain Waterscapes in Leh, Indian Trans-Himalaya – The Transformation of Hydro-Social Relations
Dr. Julia Pörting
Practicing Organic Farming in Pakistan: Debating Science, Sustainability and Localism in an Alternative Agriculture
Dr. Sitara Parveen
Socio-hydrological nexus of mountain agriculture in Gilgit-Baltistan, Northern Pakistan
Dr. Johannes Anhorn
Disaster Resilience in Nepal: From problem statement to prospective institutional transformation
Dr. Carina Zang
Socio-hydrological Perspectives on Water Quality in an Arid Mountain Catchment: The Case of the Upper Huasco Valley, Chile
Dr. Aditya Ghosh
Sustainability conflicts in Coastal India: Hazards, changing climate and development discourse in Indian Sundarbans
Dr. Anne Ulrich
Livelihood dynamics in tropical drylands: Mixed farming, water management and market integration in Laikipia, Kenya
Dr. Thomas Lennartz
Naturgefahren und alltägliche Risiken der Lebenssicherung: Verwundbarkeit gegenüber gravitativen Massenbewegungen in Nepal
Dr. Paul Roden
Socio-political change and development interventions in Laikipia County, Kenya
Dr. Alexander Erlewein
Wasserkraftentwicklung in Himachal Pradesh, Indien: Zwischen globalem Klimaschutz und lokalen Umweltveränderungen
Dr. Ravi Baghel
River Control in India: Spatial, Governmental and Subjective Dimensions
Dr. Lars Stöwesand
Hidden displacement. The hidden nature and neglect of conflict-induced displacement during the Maoist people's war in Nepal
Dr. Juliane Dame
Ernährungssicherung im Hochgebirge: Eine akteursorientierte Studie in Ladakh, Nordindien