Geography Prof. Dr. Marcus Nüsser
Supervised PhD Dissertations
Dr. Altaf Hussain 2025
Urbanisation and Development Challenges of Kargil Town in the Trans-Himalayan Region of Ladakh, India
Scholarship: Ministry of Tribal Affairs, Government of India
Dr. Huda Javaid 2025
Can money compensate...?
Scholarship: DAAD
Dr. Nicolás Zanetta-Colombo 2024
Metalscapes: How mining has shaped metal(loid) distribution in the Atacama Desert?
Scholarship: DAAD
Dr. Dagmar Brombierstäudl 2024
Exploring aufeis in the Trans-Himalaya: Remote sensing-based studies of a neglected cryosphere component
Research Project: Exploring Aufeis: Relevance of Icing and Ice Reservoirs for Climate Change Adaptation in the Trans-Himalaya of Ladakh, India (NU 102/15-1)
Dr. Stanzin Passang 2023
Snow cover distribution in relation to topography in the Trans-Himalaya of Ladakh, India
Dr. Maike Petersen 2021
Producing charcoal in a sub-Saharan dryland. The case of Pokot Central, Kenya
Research Project: Producing Charcoal in the Sub-Saharan Drylands: The Contested Fuelscape of Central Pokot, Kenya (NU 102/14-1)
Dr. Judith Müller 2021
Urban Mountain Waterscapes in Leh, Indian Trans-Himalaya – The Transformation of Hydro-Social Relations
Research Project funded by Junior Research Group Dr. Juliane Dame (HCE)
Dr. Sitara Parveen 2019
Socio-hydrological nexus of mountain agriculture in Gilgit-Baltistan, Northern Pakistan
Scholarship: Schlumberger Foundation
Dr. Johannes Anhorn 2019
Disaster Resilience in Nepal: From problem statement to prospective institutional transformation
Dr. Julia Poerting 2018
Practicing Organic Farming in Pakistan: Debating Science, Sustainability and Localism in an Alternative Agriculture
Research Project funded by Cluster of Excellence
Dr. Carina Zang 2018
Socio-hydrological Perspectives on Water Quality in an Arid Mountain Catchment: The Case of the Upper Huasco Valley, Chile
Research Project funded by Junior Research Group Dr. Juliane Dame (HCE)
Dr. Aditya Ghosh 2016
Cursed waters: Climate calamities and subaltern sustainability in Indian Sundarbans
Scholarship: DAAD
Dr. Anne Ulrich 2015
Livelihood dynamics in tropical drylands: Mixed farming, water management and market integration in Laikipia, Kenya
Research Project: Semi-arid areas in transition: Livelihood security, socio-ecological variability and the role of development interventions in East Africa (Volkswagen Foundation)
Dr. Thomas Lennartz 2015
Naturgefahren und alltägliche Risiken der Lebenssicherung: Verwundbarkeit gegenüber gravitativen Massenbewegungen in Nepal
Research Project: Landslide Hazard and Vulnerability: Unsafe Conditions in the Middle Hills of Nepal; Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG) NU102 / 12-1
Dr. Paul Roden 2014
Socio-political change and development interventions in Laikipia County, Kenya
Research Project: Semi-arid areas in transition: Livelihood security, socio-ecological variability and the role of development interventions in East Africa (Volkswagen Foundation)
Dr. Alexander Erlewein 2013
Wasserkraftentwicklung in Himachal Pradesh, Indien: Zwischen globalem Klimaschutz und lokalen Umweltveränderungen
Research Project: Large Dams and ‘Clean Development’: Transcultural Narratives about Global Environmental Change and their Asymmetric Impacts; Excellence Cluster "Asia and Europe", C8
Dr. Ravi Baghel 2013
River Control in India: Spatial, Governmental and Subjective Dimensions
Research Project: Large Dams - Contested Environments Between Hydro-Power and Resistance, Excellence Cluster "Asia and Europe", C2
Martin Gerwin
Changing Strategies of Resource Use in the Borderland of the Kumaon Himalaya, India
Research Project: Changing Strategies of Resource Use: The 'Bhotiyas' in the High Mountain Border Region of Uttarakhand, India; Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG), NU102 / 10-1 and 10-2
Dr. Lars Stöwesand 2012
Hidden displacement: The hidden nature and neglect of conflict-induced displacement during the Maoist people's war in Nepal
Dr. Juliane Dame 2012
Ernährungssicherung im Hochgebirge: Eine akteursorientierte Studie in Ladakh, Nordindien
Research Project: Food security in Ladakh - Subsistence-oriented resource utilisation and socioeconomic transformation; Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG), NU102 / 7-1 and 7-2
External reviewer and examiner of PhD dissertations
- Social valuation of high-altitude lake ecosystem services under climate change in the Sikkim Himalayas (Poulomi Chakraborty, 2024) [PhD Dissertation, Indian Institute of Technology (IIT) Kharagpur, India, external examiner]
- Larger is not always better - A landscape-based hydroecological-economic tradeoff analysis of the impacts of cascading dams in India (Anjana Ekka, 2024) [PhD Dissertation, Faculty of Civil Engineering and Geosciences, Technical University Delft, Netherlands, external examiner]
- Picturing High Asia: German Expedition Photography in the Hindukush and Karakoram (Marina-Elena Heyink, 2024) [PhD Dissertation, FU Berlin, Fachbereich Geowissenschaften, external examiner]
- The future of sustainable hydropower development in the Indus basin (Sanita Dhaubanjar, 2024) [Faculty of Geosciences, Utrecht University, Netherlands]
- Sustaining glacial-fed catchments with artificial ice reservoirs (Suryanarayanan Balasubramanian, 2023) [University of Fribourg, Switzerland]
- Forest Biomass and Land Cover Change Assessment of a National Park using Remote Sensing Based Approach: A Case Study from Pakistan (Mohammad Qasim, 2021) [TU Dresden, Fakultät Umweltwissenschaften, Fachrichtung Geowissenschaften]
- Climate trend detection in a data-scarce environment – a transdisciplinary study in the Pamir mountains of Tajikistan (Isabell Haag, 2021) [Universität Bayreuth, Geographie]
- Performance Assessment of Canal Irrigation: A Study of Pehur Main Canal, Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, Pakistan (Muhammad Siyar, 2018) [University of Peshawar, Geography, Peshawar, Pakistan]
- Stability and Change in African Environments: An Historical Ecology of Rangelands in Lesotho (Colin Brewster Hoag, 2016) [Aarhus University, Faculty of Science and Technology, Aarhus, Denmark]
- Landscape Dynamics in Sagarmatha National Park, Nepal: Impacts to Selected Environmental Services, Proximate Causes and Underlying Driving Forces (Rodney Garrard, 2016) [Universität Bern, Geography, Berne, Schweiz]
- Does Outmigration lead to Unsustainable Land Management? (Stéphanie Jaquet, 2016) [Universität Bern, Geography, Berne, Schweiz]
- Spatial Patterns and Effects of Public Water Supply System on Human Health in Lahore (Isma Younes, 2016) [University of the Punjab, Geography, Lahore, Pakistan]
- Implication of Land Use Change and Climate Change on Northwestern Drylands of Ethiopia (Worku Zewdie Gebrehiwot, 2016) [TU Dresden, Fakultät Umweltwissenschaften, Fachrichtung Geowissenschaften]
- Explaining Sustainability of Shimla City: Developing Environmental and Socio-Economic Indices (Renuka Thapliyal, 2015) [Indian Institute of Technology Delhi, Department of Humanities and Social Sciences, New Delhi, India]
- Sustainable Development of Hydropower in India: Between Global Norms and Local Actions (Nirmalya Choudhury, 2012) [TU Berlin, Fachbereich Ingenieurwissenschaften]
- Inter-Effects of Tubewell Irrigated Agriculture and the Aquifer Potential in Balochistan: Case Study of Pishin Valley, 1981-2008 (Ahmad Saeed, 2012) [University of the Punjab, Geography, Lahore, Pakistan]
- Ground Water Pollution Caused by Municipal Solid Waste Sites and its Impact on Children's Health in Lahore (Ibtisam Butt, 2012) [University of the Punjab, Geography, Lahore, Pakistan]
- Education for Development in Northern Pakistan: Opportunities and Constraints of Schooling for the Improvement of Rural Households’ Living Conditions (Andreas Benz, 2011) [FU Berlin, Geographie]
- Erfassung und Bewertung von degradierten Böden mit Fernerkundung und GIS in Nordwest-Syrien (Ismail Al Mohamed, 2011) [TU Dresden, Geofernerkundung]
- Satellitenbildbasierte Grundkarten für einen thematischen Atlas der Northern Areas (Pakistan) mit Beispielen zur Umsetzung (Andre Walter, 2008) [Universität Bonn, Geographie]
- Spectral Mixture Analysis for Monitoring and Mapping Desertification Processes in Semi-arid Areas in North Kordofan State, Sudan (Manal Awad Khiry, 2007) [TU Dresden, Geofernerkundung]
External reviewer and examiner of habilitations
Mensch und Umwelt in Kirgistan – eine politisch-ökologische Untersuchung im postkolonialen und postsowjetischen Kontext (Matthias Schmidt, 2010) [FU Berlin, Geographie: external examiner]