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Master of Arts Communication, Literature, and Media in Modern South Asian Languages

Students in this two-year program focus on the study of languages, literature, and various media (texts, manuscripts, films, Internet, and audio sources) in Bengali, Hindi, Urdu, and Tamil. At the beginning of the program, students choose one of two available study options. The first option aims to improve skills in two already acquired languages, while the other offers the opportunity to continue one language and acquire a new one in addition. During the program, students will engage with books, magazines, newspapers, audiovisual materials, and academic literature in these languages. Furthermore, students are introduced to the methods of textual analysis, literary studies, religious studies, and cultural theory. 

With an in-depth understanding of topics related to the South Asian region, graduates are qualified to enter a number of professions, such as cultural and media related occupations, translation, cross-cultural training, scientific research management, and similar fields. Graduates may also pursue a subsequent doctorate and pursue an academic career.

Programme structure

There are different program structures you can choose from:

  • Major (120 credits)
  • Major (100 credits)
  • Minor (20 credits)

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Unique language program on the region of South Asia

In addition to the four languages offered in the program, students may also take and learn the following languages as part of the MAKRS minor: Classical Tibetan, Sanskrit, Nepali, Pali, and Sinhala.

Study and research environment

The South Asia Institute is Europe's leading center for South Asian studies, characterized by interdisciplinary teaching and research that addresses the regional diversity of South Asia. Scholars at our institute have been studying the countries of Bangladesh, Bhutan, India, the Maldives, Nepal, Pakistan, and Sri Lanka for more than 60 years. Together with our international research network and our branch offices in several South Asian countries, we offer all students and researchers an ideal platform for interdisciplinary applied learning and research. 

The governments of Bangladesh, India, Pakistan and Sri Lanka sponsor four visiting professors at SAI whose courses complement and enrich the curriculum. Students also have the chance to meet external scholars, writers, and social and cultural activists through weekly lectures and workshops.

Admission requirements

  • Applicants must hold an above average Bachelor's degree in South Asian Studies or a related discipline. Other applicants may be eligible if they can demonstrate proficiency in Communication, Media, or Literature studies.
  • Applicants have language skills (non-native) in Bengali, Hindi, Urdu, or Tamil equivalent to at least four semesters.

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