Hindi Lecturer Mag. phil. Gautam Liu
Mag. Gautam Liu (born 1975) has been teaching Hindi at the South Asia Institute at Heidelberg University since 2007. Previously, he taught Hindi at the University of Vienna from 2000-2007, where he completed his diploma in Indology (focus: linguistic and literary history) with distinction.
His textbook Hindi Bolo (2010-2012, co-authored with Ines Fornell) now forms the basis of language teaching at most German-speaking universities. In addition to literary translations from Hindi into German, Gautam Liu published several peer-reviewed articles in German, Hindi, and English on topics such as the literary movements of Pragativād (Progressivism) and Naī Kahānī (New Story) as well as linguistic debates about the development of standard Hindi vis-à-vis Urdu, Hindustani and English.
His current research focuses on the depiction of the divine name in Tulsidas's Rāmacaritamānasa.

Department of Modern South Asian Languages and Literatures
South Asian Institute, Universität Heidelberg
Voßstraße 2, Building 4130
Room: 130.02.05
D-69115 Heidelberg
Phone: +49 (0)6221 54 15274
E-Mail: Liu@uni-heidelberg.de
Consultation hours: by appointment via e-mail