Wissenschaflerin Dr. Juliane Dame
Juliane Dame is an associate researcher at the South Asia Institute. She completed her PhD at the University of Heidelberg in 2012. Her dissertation on "Food security in high mountain regions" was awarded the Wilhelm Lauer Prize in 2013. From 2013 to 2021, she led a junior research group on "Environment and Health in Arid Regions" at the interdisciplinary Heidelberg Centre for the Environment. Since 2020, she has been working at the Institute of Geography at the University of Bonn.
Research Topics
Food Security
Sustainable Development
Environmental Ressources Management
Climate Change Adaptation Strategies
Political Ecolgie
Agri-Food Studies
Selected Publications
Peer-Reviewed Papers
Dame J, Nüsser M, Schmidt S & Zang C (2023): Socio-hydrological dynamics and water conflicts in the upper Huasco Valley, Chile. In: Frontiers in Water 5. https://doi.org/10.3389/frwa.2023.1100977.
Yu D, Haeffner M, Jeong H, Pande S, Dame J, Di Baldassare G, Garcia-Santos G, Hermans L, Muneepeerakul R, Nardi F, Sanderson M, Tian F, Wei Y, Wessels J & Sivapalan M (2022): On capturing human agency and methodological interdisciplinarity in socio-hydrology research, Hydrological Sciences Journal, 67:13, 1905-1916. https://doi.org/10.1080/02626667.2022.2114836.
Dame J, Schmidt S, Müller J & Nüsser M (2019): Urbanisation and Socio-Ecological Challenges in High Mountain Towns: Insights from Leh (Ladakh), India. In: Landscape and Urban Planning 189: 189–199. doi: 10.1016/j.landurbplan.2019.04.017
Usón T, Henríquez C & Dame J (2017): Disputed water: Competing knowledge and power asymmetries in the Yali Alto basin, Chile. In: Geoforum 85: 247–258. doi: 10.1016/j.geoforum.2017.07.029
Dame J (2015): Ernährungssicherung im Hochgebirge. Akteure und ihr Handeln im Kontext des sozioökonomischen Wandels in Ladakh, Indien (= Erdkundliches Wissen 156). Steiner-Verlag, Stuttgart. doi:10.25162/9783515110334.
Edited Books
Humbert-Droz B, Dame J & Morup T (eds)(2023): Environment and Development in Ladakh, Indian Transhimalaya. Cham: Springer (= Advances in Asian Human-Environmental Research).