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Democratic Backsliding und Covid-19
Ausgewählte Beiträge von Herrn Matias Lennart Castrén
- Castrén, Matias (2021) Brand New Nation: Capitalist Dreams and Nationalist Designs in Twenty-First-Century India, by Kaur, Ravinder (Palo Alto: Stanford University Press, 2020, ISBN 9781503612594); 360 pp., $28. India Quarterly, (77:2), pp. 309-31
- Castrén, Matias (2022) ‘Varjoja paratiisissa – turismi, demokratia ja radikalismi Malediiveilla (Shadows in the paradise – tourism, democracy and radicalism in the Maldives)’, Sotilasaikakauslehti, (1/2022), pp. 53-55.
- Castrén, Matias (2023) ‘Narendra Modi ja Intian demokratian mahalasku (Narendra Modi and the backslide of India’s democracy)’, The Ulkopolitist.
- Castrén, Matias (16/6/2024) ‘Intian vaalit katkaisivat apatian valtakauden’ (The Indian elections ended the era of apathy)’, The Ulkopolitist.