Publications Department's Publications
International Relations and Strategic Culture | Matias Castrén | Suurvaltapelin polttopisteessä – Intia etsii vaihtoehtoja kaksinapaisuudelle (In the focal point of great power games – India looking for alternatives to bipolarity) | 2021 | Ulkopolitiikka | |
International Relations and Strategic Culture | Bernhard Beitelmair-Berini | India’s Grand Strategy and Foreign Policy Strategic Pluralism and Subcultures | 2021 | Routledge | |
International Relations and Strategic Culture | Matias Castrén | India’s Strategic Culture: The Making of National Security Policy | 2020 | International Studies | |
International Relations and Strategic Culture | Matias Castrén | Intian ja Kiinan käsirysy läntisellä Himalajalla kuvastaa maailmanpolitiikan dynamiikkaa myös laajemmin (The brawl between India and China in the Western Himalayas also reflects the greater dynamics of global politics) | 2020 | The Ulkopolitist | |
International Relations and Strategic Culture | Subrata Kumar Mitra and Srikanth Thaliyakkattil | Bhutan and Sino–Indian Rivalry: The Price of Proximity | 2018 | Asian Survey | |
International Relations and Strategic Culture | Bernhard Beitelmair-Berini | Theorizing Indian Strategic Culture(s): Taking Stock of a Controversial Debate | 2017 | Mischa Hansel, Raphaelle Khan and Melissa Levaillant, Theorizing India’s Foreign Policy | |
International Relations and Strategic Culture | Michael Liebig and Saurabh Mishra | The Arthashastra in a Transcultural Perspective: Comparing Kautilya with Sun-Zi, Nizam al-Mulk, Barani and Machiavelli | 2017 | Pentagon Press | |
International Relations and Strategic Culture | Subrata Kumar Mitra and Michael Liebig | Kautilya's Arthashastra: An Intellectual Portrait: The Classical Roots of Modern Politics in India | 2016 | Nomos |