Lecturer Dr. Dieter Reinhardt

Dr. Reinhardt is interested in global governance in the context of UN missions, new forms of regionalization in South Asia, Sino-Indian relations, migration and the Bangladeshi diaspora, water governance, prevention of humanitarian disasters and the foreign policy of the Federal Republic of Germany.

Dr. Dieter Reinhardt

Research Interests

  • Global governance in the context of UN missions
  • New forms of regionalization in South Asia
  • Sino-Indian relations
  • Migration and the Bangladeshi diaspora
  • Water governance
  • Prevention of humanitarian disasters
  • Foreign policy of the Federal Republic of Germany

Curriculum Vitae

Educational background:

  • 2012: Doctorate in political science at the University of Duisburg-Essen (dissertation title: “World governance in the problem field of humanitarian aid: UN coordination in complex emergency areas since the end of the East-West conflict: functioning and need for reform”)
  • 1977-1984: Diploma in Political Science and Geography at the University of Bonn and the Free University of Berlin

Professional career:

  • 2022 - today: Lecturer at the Chair of Political Science, South Asia Institute, Heidelberg University
  • 2020 - 2022: Project Coordinator of the research project 'Globalization, Mobility and Migration, the Example of the Bangladesh Diaspora' at the South Asia Institute, Heidelberg University
  • 2019 - present: Associate member of the South Asia Institute, University of Heidelberg
  • 2013 - present: Lecturer at the Chair of International Relations at Rhine-Waal University of Applied Sciences/Kleve
  • 2003 - 2013: Research Associate at the Institute for Development and Peace (INEF)/Department of Political Science, University of Duisburg-Essen

Lectures and Talks

  • June 2019: Lecture 'Socio-economic impacts and perceptions of Chinese foreign direct ininvestments in the energy sector in Bangladesh'; 'The 7th China - South and Southeast Asian Think Tank Forum', 13-16 June 2019, organized by the Yunnan Academy of Social Sciences/Kunming (Yunnan, China) Academy of South and Southeast Asian Studies/Kunming (Yunnan /China)
  • November 2018: Lecture 'Impact of Off-grid solar renewable Systems to achieve sustainable energy for all; the example of the world largest 'Solar Home System'-program in Bangladesh'; Conference 'Recent trends in business management and sustainable development' (22. - 24. November 2018) organized by Manipur Institute of Management Studies (MIMS)/Manipur University, North Eastern Management Association (NEMA)/Manipur.
  • March 2018: Lecture 'Financing Humanitarian Aid: From Voluntary Contributions towards a More Reliable Funding Mechanism'; Workshop organized by the Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung (FES) New York Office
  • 2015: Presentation “Future Impact of Climate Change on Brahmaputra River System: International Law and Transboundary River Systems” at the University of Assam (Silchar) conference “Climate Change, Development, Social Transition and Social Policy in North-East India”
  • 2015: Presentation “UN Watercourse Convention and Politics, The example of Brahmaputra” at the conference of the Indira Gandhi National Tribal University (Campus Manipur) “International Conference on Climate Change and Indigenous People in Northeast India”
  • 2013: Presentation of the working paper “Transboundary river basins as regional commons and hydroelectric dam constructions in the Greater Eastern Himalayan-Region (Southwest Chinese provinces/North-Myanmar/Northeast India/Bangladesh)” at the “3rd International Conference on International Relations and Development (ICIRD 2013)”, Chulalongkorn University/Bangkok
  • 2013: Presentation of the working paper “Cross-Boundary Water Resource Management in a Non Cooperative Context: The Case of Eastern Himalaya” at the panel “Who Wants to be Part of Integrated Water Resource Management (IWRM)?, The Politics of Scale in Basins and Catchments” at the annual conference of the “European Consortium for Political Research (ECPR)” (Bordeaux)
  • 2013: Presentation of the working paper “Modes of Politicization and De-Politicization of Humanitarian Aid, An Assessment of the UN Humanitarian Structures” at the panel “The Politicization of Humanitarian Aid?” organized by the Universities of Frankfurt/M and Hannover at the annual conference of the “European Consortium for Political Research (ECPR)” (Bordeaux)