»On South Asia«

Let’s talk ON South Asia!
Welcome to ON South Asia, a podcast brought to you by the Department of Modern South Asian Languages and Literatures, South Asia Institute, Heidelberg. The podcast features a wide variety of topics related to modern and contemporary South Asia, ranging from issues connected to literature, cinema, book history, and cultural politics to debates around new media and “vernacular” languages and public spheres. We will talk to various scholars working on South Asia about their experiences, the challenges they faced and the insights they gained while conducting their research. We hope these conversations with creative thinkers, practitioners, and academics working in the context of South Asia and beyond will throw light on the state-of-the-art research in modern South Asian studies and thereby deepen our understanding and interest for the region.
The episodes will be published on Spotify and YouTube.
For topic wishes and feedback, don't hesitate to write us: podcast-nsp@sai.uni-heidelberg.de