The research projects focus on human-environmental interactions in high mountain regions. The impacts of global change on land use systems and environments are investigated. Combined data and methods, including remote sensing, historical material, field surveys, and empirical socio-economic methods, are used to analyze the drivers and the consequences of these global challenges. Since 2012, the socio-hydrological framework has been developed and used in several studies to investigate such research problems with an integrated perspective. In addition to these research projects, several dissertation projects, mainly funded by research grants, cover a wide range of topics. The research outcomes are regularly published in scientific journals and presented at conferences.
Research cooperation projects
- Himalayan Permafrost Consortium (HiPERC) is an international collaboration of researchers and institutions focused on studying permafrost in the Himalayan region.
- Glacier Landscape Analysis and Geohazards Monitoring with Earth Observation (GLAM) is an international collaboration (4EU+) to investigate glacier dynamics and the drivers of change along with assessing associated geohazards through innovative Earth Observation.