PH.D-CANDIDATE Abhigyan Guha

Abhigyan Guha is a Ph.D candidate at the Department of Political Science, South Asia Institute, Heidelberg University. He is currently working on his dissertation titled “Tracing the Evolution and Operational Dynamics of Clientelism in the Political Process of India: The Case Study of West Bengal from a Comparative Prism” under the supervision of Professor Dr. Rahul Mukherji. His research interests include distributive politics, populism, India's foreign policy, comparative democratic development, maritime studies and environmental politics. Abhigyan completed his bachelor's and master's degrees from Jadavpur University, India, where he received a gold medal. He was an actor and cultural activist with the documentary theater group “Manicktala Spandan”.

Abhigyan Guha

Curriculum Vitae


  • 2024 to date: PhD candidate at the Chair of Political Science, South Asia Institute, Heidelberg University, Germany.
  • 2019-2021: Master of Arts (M.A.) in Political Science with International Relations, Department of International Relations, Jadavpur University, India.
  • 2016-2019: Bachelor of Arts (B.A.) with Honors in Political Science, Department of International Relations, Jadavpur University, India. 

Awards and Achievements

  • Prize for the best paper for the presentation on: Beyond Axiological Paradox: An Epistemological Re-Examination of the Marxian Perspective on Human Rights”, at a one-day international interdisciplinary webinar on ”DEMOCRACY, EDUCATION AND HUMAN RIGHTS DISCOURSES: DEBATES AND DILEMMAS, 5. November 2022, Department of Political Science, Muralidhar Girls' College & SPARSH (Society for Promotion of Activities for Social and Human Development), New Delhi and Kolkata, India.
  • Best Paper Presentation Award for the paper on “Decrypting the Chinese Cyberspace Menace: Emerging Dynamics of India's Cybersecurity Challenges in an Age of Grey-Zone Warfare”, at IIRF Webinar on Grey-Zone Warfare, December 9, 2021, Indus International Research Foundation.
  • Indu Bhusan Putatunda & Shanti Sudha Putatunda Memorial Award 2018 in the form of a Gold Medal for the highest marks in the Department of International Relations, Jadavpur University. 
  • Achieved highest marks in 1st year 1st semester, 2nd year 1st semester, 2nd year 2nd semester, 3rd year 1st semester in Bachelor of Arts Political Science Honours Examination during 2017-2018, Department of International Relations, Jadavpur University.
  • Represented India in the field of Theater and Performing Arts as a Cultural Ambassador at World Performing Arts Festival, Lahore, Pakistan and at Biennale Bonn, Bonn, Germany through Spandan: Docu Theatre Group.
  • He has been associated with Spandan for more than a decade and has performed globally and nationally, from the National School of Drama's (NSD) Bharat Rang Mahotsav in New Delhi to Deutsche Welle Radio.


  • University of London and SOAS University of London x Coursera: Understanding Research Methods - June 24, 2023 (Grade achieved: 100%)
  • University of Copenhagen x Coursera: The Sustainable Development Goals - A Global, Transdisciplinary Vision for the Future - September 10, 2020 (Grade achieved: 100.00%)
  • Yale University x Coursera: Moral Foundations of Politics - July 26, 2020 (Grade achieved: 98.30%)
  • University of London x Coursera: Global Diplomacy - Diplomacy in the Modern World - July 21, 2020 (Grade achieved: 100.00%) 

CV Abhigyan Guha



  • Guha, A. (2023) ‘Beyond the Epistemological Vagaries of Gender in Critical Geopolitics: Navigating the Feminist Foreign Policy Odyssey’, PostScriptum: An Interdisciplinary Journal of Literary Studies, Special Issue on: “The Geography of Gender: Place, Space and Contexts”, Vol. VIII, No. I, January 2023 Issue, pp. 78-90, ISSN: 2456-7507.

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  • Guha, A. (2022) ‘Decoding the Paralysis of the De Facto Liberal International Order: Is Plurilateralism the Way Forward?’, TRIVIUM: A Multidisciplinary Journal of Humanities of Chandernagore College, Vol. 6, No. 1, Issue 10, pp. 72-91, ISSN: 2583-0422, E-ISSN: 2583-0120. 

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  • Guha, A. (2022) ‘Untangling India’s Non-Traditional Security Challenge of Climate Change: Is Soft Power Diplomacy a Panacea for Anthropocentric Abuses?’, Electronic Journal of Social and Strategic Studies, Vol. 3, Issue 1, April-May 2022, pp. 66-86, ISSN (Online): 2582-9645. DOI URL:

  • Guha, A. (2021) ‘Re-Contextualizing India in the Indo-Pacific: Decrypting the Evolution, Emerging Dynamics, and Navigating the Way Forward in a Post-Pandemic International System’, Electronic Journal of Social and Strategic Studies, Vol. 2, Issue 3, Dec 2021-Jan 2022, pp. 353-375, ISSN (Online): 2582-9645. DOI URL:

  • Guha, A. (2021) ‘Deconstructing the New Normal: An Eclectic Account of the Strategic, Geopolitical, Security Architecture of the Post-Pandemic World Order’, Social Science Researcher: A Peer Reviewed Interdisciplinary Journal of Social Sciences, Vol. 7, No. 1, March 2021, pp. 6-19, ISSN: 2319-8362.
  • Guha, A. (2020) ‘Reimagining the Geopolitical Landscape: Halfway House between Post-Pandemic Perestroika and Conformity from India’s Perspective’, TRIVIUM: A Multidisciplinary Journal of Humanities of Chandernagore College, Vol. 4, No. 2, Issue 7, pp. 1-16, ISSN: 2583-0422, E-ISSN: 2583-0120. 

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Book Chapters in Edited Volumes

  • Guha, A. (2025) ‘Deprivation, Defencelessness, Elusive Human Rights: Canvassing the Chronicle and Impact of Political Violence on the Children of West Bengal, India’ in Tshabangu, I. and Aluko, O. (ed.) Global Perspectives on Violence Impacting Children and Youth: Trends, Dimensions and Prospects, Palgrave Macmillan, London, UK (Forthcoming).
  • Guha, A. (2025) ‘Vagaries of India-China Cyber Quagmire: Mapping India’s Quest for Cyber Deterrence’ in Kaunert, C. and Stoddart, K. (ed.) Hybrid Warfare Resilience in the West, Marine Corps University Press: Quantico, Virginia, USA (In Press).
  • Guha, A. (2025) ‘Pursuit of Blue Economy: Dissecting the Vagaries of India-Bangladesh Maritime Cooperation’ in Vidanage, H. and Jaiswal, P. (ed.) Small States in South Asia: Power Rivalries, Pandemic Politics and Security Aspirations, Nepal Institute for International Cooperation and Engagement (Forthcoming).
  • Guha, A. (2024) ‘Nation and Migrant Workers in Keynesian Tailspin: Deconstructing the Multidimensionality of Post-COVID Humanitarian Catastrophe’ in Ray Chowdhury Dutt, P. (ed.) Vulnerable Groups and Human Rights, R.P. Publishing House: New Delhi, India (Forthcoming).
  • Guha, A. (2023) ‘Re-Assessing the India-EU Collaborative Canvas: Vagaries of Data Protection, Regulation and Navigating the Way Forward’ in Sharma, S. (ed.) Institutions, Practices and Digital Transformation in India and Europe, Associated Publishing House: Agra, India (Co-funded by the Erasmus+ Programme of the European Union), pp. 75-90, ISBN: 978-93-81778-21-0.
  • Guha, A. (2023) ‘Rohingyas, Hyper-Securitization and Paradox of State-Based Protection’ in Mahendru, V. and Jaiswal, P. (ed.) Recentring the Global South in Migration Studies, Adroit Publishers: New Delhi, India, pp. 145-161, ISBN: 978-81-956542-8-4.
  • Guha, A. (2023) ‘Decrypting the Vicissitudes of Sino-Indian Bilateral Relations: Changing Geopolitical Dynamics and the Indo-Pacific Odyssey’ in Nandi, A. and Roy, R (ed.) An Anthology of Socio-Political Issues: Some Insights on Critical Thinking, Atlantic Publishers and Distributors Pvt. Ltd.: New Delhi, India, pp. 260-278, ISBN: 978-81-269-3835-3.
  • Guha, A. (2022) ‘Dissecting the Emerging Dynamics of the India-European Union Engagement in the Indo-Pacific Geopolitical Theater: Anatomization of the Contemporary Trends in a Fragmented World Order’ in Sharma, S. and Sukula, S.K. (ed.) Cyberspace, Energy & Information Practices: Footprints and Strategic Trends in India and Europe, Ess Ess Publications: New Delhi, India (Co-funded by the Erasmus+ Programme of the European Union), pp. 1-23, ISBN: 978-93-92594-04-5.
  • Guha, A. (2022) ‘Dialectical Interplay of Perestroika and Conformity: Unscrambling the Post-Covid Geopolitical Alphabet from India’s Perspective’ in Behera, B. and Ghosh, B. (ed.) South Asia and Covid-19: Challenges and Way Out, Kunal Books: New Delhi, India, pp. 20-36, ISBN: 978-93-91908-62-1.

Online Articles und Opinion Pieces

  • ‘Navigating the Way Forward for the Quadrilateral Security Dialogue in the Indo-Pacific Theatre’, IAIS, 7th October 2021. 

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  • ‘Wolf-Warrior Diplomacy and its Bleak Global Ramifications in an Age of Fractured Geopolitics’,, 29th September 2021. 

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  • ‘Decoding the Post-Pandemic Geopolitical Jigsaw Puzzle: A Macroscopic Insight from an Indian Perspective’, NIICE Nepal, 10th September 2020. 

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