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DAAD-scholarship holder Javiera Machuca

Javiera Machuca is a Geographer and M.Sc. in Governance of Risks and Resources from Heidelberg University. Since October 2020 she has been part of the Department of Geography at the South Asia Institute, where she is pursuing her PhD on “Technological Hydroscapes in Chile: the introduction of large dams in socio-hydrological systems”. Since October 2021 she has held a DAAD scholarship for her doctoral studies.

Javiera Machuca

Research Topics

Water Governance
Political Ecology
Human-Environment Interaction
Science Outreach
Chile, South America

Selected Publications

Pliscoff P, Zanetta N, Hepp J & Machuca J (2017): Efectos sobre la flora y vegetación del evento de precipitación extremo de agosto 2015 en Alto Patache, Desierto de Atacama, Chile. Revista de Geografía Norte Grande 68:91-10.

Selected Presentations

Machuca J & Nüsser M (2023): Technological Hydroscapes in Chile: a historical review of Large Dams. Royal Geographical Society-IBG Annual International Conference 2023. 30.08.2023, London, England.

Machuca J & Fragkou MC (2023): Evaluación de Mesas Territoriales de Agua en zonas de extrema escasez: Petorca, Chile. XII Congreso Ibérico de Gestión y Planificación del Agua. 27.01.2023. Murcia, Spain. https://publicaciones.um.es/publicaciones/public/obras/ficha.seam?numero=3003&edicion=1&cid=229

Doctoral Researcher
Department of Geography
South Asia Institute, Universität Heidelberg
Voßstraße 2, Building 4130
D-69115 Heidelberg 

Room:   130.03.14
Tel:  +49 6221 54-15247
Email: javiera.machuca@stud.uni-heidelberg.de