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Senior Lecturer | Student Advisor Dr. Susanne Schmidt


Dr Susanne Schmidt has been at the South Asia Institute at Heidelberg University since 2007. She studied geography at the University of Cologne and completed her doctorate at the University of Bonn. In her research, she uses remote sensing data to analyse changes in the cryosphere and the associated short- and long-term natural hazards in high mountain regions. In addition, her research interest lies in the detection of global change in the high mountains, in particular land use changes and urban areas. Since 2023 she has been the Deputy Equal Opportunities Officer of the Faculty of Chemistry and Earth Sciences.


Susanne Schmidt

Research Topics

Human-Environmental Interaction
High Mountain Research
Remote Sensing
South Asia, Alps


Remote Sensing
Physical Geography of Hig Mountains
Human Environmental Interaction in the Himalaya


Selected Peer-Reviewed Papers

NÜSSER M, SCHMIDT S (2021): Glacier changes on the Nanga Parbat 1856-2020: A multi-source retrospective analysis. Science of The Total Environment 785, 147321. doi.org/10.1016/j.scitotenv.2021.147321

SCHMIDT S, NÜSSER M, BAGHEL R, DAME J (2020): Cryosphere hazards in Ladakh: the 2014 Gya glacial lake outburst flood and its implications for risk assessment. Natural Hazards 104, 2071-2095. doi: 10.1007/s11069-020-04262-8

SCHMIDT S, NÜSSER M (2017): Changes of High Altitude Glaciers in the Trans-Himalaya of Ladakh over the Past Five Decades (1969-2016). Geosciences 2017, 7(2), 27

SCHMIDT S, NÜSSER M (2009): Fluctuations of Raikot Glacier during the last 70 years: a case study from the Nanga Parbat Massif, Northern Pakistan. Journal of Glaciology 55 (194): 949-959.

SCHMIDT S, WEBER B, WINIGER M (2009): Analyses of seasonal snow disappearance in an alpine valley from micro- to meso-scale (Loetschental, Switzerland). Hydrological Processes 23 (7): 1041-1051.


Akademische Oberrätin
Department of Geography
South Asia Institute, Heidelberg University
Voßstraße 2, Building 4130
D-69115 Heidelberg

Raum: 130.01.09
Telefon  +49 6221 54-15245
Email:   s.schmidt@uni-heidelberg.de

Office Hour: Tuesday, 12:00–13:00 Uhr