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The first step to pursue a doctorate at the Heidelberg University is to find an academic supervisor who accepts to supervise the doctoral candidate. In case of our department Prof. Dr. Ute Hüsken can admit doctoral candidates. Please check the research areas of Prof. Hüsken and her fields of academic interest at the mentioned websites:

If your research interest concurs with the areas of her expertise then please contact her office with the following documents:

  1. Your Curriculum Vitae
  2. Two to Five pages of research proposal. It should specify clearly, the main research questions you raise, the research methods which you intend to apply and the main primary and secondary sources on which your research is based.
  3. Any academic publications which you have published. You can also send parts of your M.A./M.Phil. Thesis.
  4. A brief note on your plans and efforts to fund your academic project.

Please send the above documents in PDF format to: klassische-indologie@uni-heidelberg.de 

Please note the following:

  • General mails which do not accompany these documents will not be processed.
  • We will get back to you in 2-4 weeks and convey the decision regarding acceptance of your proposal.
  • Acceptance of the proposal does not amount to admission, but only the first step towards it.
  • Please check the formal steps for beginning your doctorate at the website of the Graduate Academy of Heidelberg University.
  • Professors are not obligated to take on doctoral candidates, even if the individual candidates fulfil the formal requirements.