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News News
- 05.12.2024: Stefan Klonner gives a talk titled: „Economic Inequality and Internal Conflict in India during the Modi Era“ at the SAI Colloquium
- 11.12.2024: Stefan Klonner gives a talk titled: „Paid on time? The timing of welfare benefits and consumption smoothing in village India“ at AWI´s Internal Seminar
- 09.10.2024: Lecture by Prof. Dr. Nils Goldschmidt - “Die Soziale Marktwirtschaft im 21. Jahrhundert - ein Friedensprojekt?”
- 16./17.5.2024: International Workshop Finance and Development, co-organized by SAI´s Department of Development Economics held in Heidelberg´s Internationales Wissenschaftsforum (IWH).
- 08.11.2023: Public lecture by Stefan Klonner “Armut in Indien”, Netzwerk Plurale Ökonomik, Heidelberg
- 11.05.2023: Stefan Klonner speaks about India´s population growth on n-tv´s Wieder was gelernt podcast Indiens Rekord-Einwohnerzahl ist “nationales und globales Problem”, ntv-Panorama
- 14.03.2023: Stefan Klonner speaks about poverty in India on the radio program Armutsforschung - Wer als arm gilt und warum, IQ - Wissenschaft und Forschung, Bayerischer Rundfunk, Bayern 2IQ - Wissenschaft und Forschung
- 16.02.2023: Public panel discussion with Stefan Klonner on brain drain and migration in developing countries, Haus am Dom, Frankfurt am Main.
- December 2022: The Department welcomes Dr. Yanfang Li from Sichuan University (China), who is visiting the SAI from December 2022 till November 2023 sponsered by the China Scholarship Council. Her research is on the patterns of foreign direct investment by European Countries and China in the South Asia region.
- November 2022: The Department welcomes Jemshed Haidery, M.A., a former faculty member in the Department of Economics, University of Kabul, Afghanistan. His visit is sponsored by the Institute of International Education´s Scholar Rescue Fund.
- Chandan Jain visited the department as exchange student
- Wintersemester 2020/21: Stefan Klonner: “Weniger Armut durch bessere Armutsforschung?,” Studium Generale, Universität zu Köln - Public Lecture
- March-August 2020: Qurra tul Ain, National College of Business Administration and Economics, Lahore, Pakistan Higher Education Commission of Pakistan Visiting PhD Scholar
- 27.-29.11.2019: Harry Parsch, University of Central Florida, USA
- 17.07.2019: Stefan Klonner: "Armutsmessung und Armutsbekämpfung," Heidelberg Sustainable Development Abroad e.V." - Public Lecture
- 2019: Christian Scherf joined the department as new Doctoral Student
- 18.-20.12.2019: 15th Annual Conference on Economic Growth and Development, Indian Statistical Institute, New Delhi - Conference Presentations by: Paula von Haaren: “Conditional Cash Transfers for Better Maternal and Child Health? Evidence from India”
15th Annual Conference - New Delhi - Paper von Haaren - Klonner - Pal
and Sumantra Pal: “Social Norms, Women's Status and Gender Differences in Competitiveness: Evidence from Field Experiments in India's Northeast”15th Annual Conference - New Delhi - Paper von Haaren - Klonner - Pal15th Annual Conference - New Delhi - Paper Klonner - Pal - Schwieren
- 09.-10.12.2019: Gender and Economics Workshop, University of Luxemburg - Conference Presentation by Stefan Klonner: “Social Norms, Women’s Status and Gender Differences in Competitiveness: Evidence from Field Experiments in India’s Northeast”
- 06.02.2017: Cheryl Doss gave a lecture.
- 03./04.06. 2016: Annual International Conference of the Research Group on Development Economics
- 2015: Heidrun Weinelt received the SEW Eurodrive Foundation’s Master Thesis award for her Master’s Thesis that she wrote under the supervision of Prof. Dr. Stefan Klonner.
- November 2015: Monica Singhania visits the department.
- 10.11.2015: Dr. Magnus Hatlebakk visits the department.
- 2015: PhD candidate Michael Schleicher was awarded a scholarship by the University Meets Microfinance (UMM) network for conducting fieldwork in Burkina Faso in June 2015.
- 12.06.2015: Book launch for "Mutlidimensional Poverty Measurement and Analysis" at 2:15 pm
- 05.05.2015: Lecture by Dr. Magnus Hatlebakk at 11 am
- 30.04.2015: Lecture by Dr. Magnus Hatlebakk at 1:15 pm
- 21.04.2015: Lecture by Prof. Clive Bell, Ph.D., Emeritus at 11 am
- 21.01.2015: Talk by Nadia Arshad at 2:30 pm
- January 2015: Nadia Arshad visits the department.
- 19.11.2014: Lecture by Dr. Alok Kumar Mishra at 12 pm
- 27.10.2014: Lecture by Prof. Abhiroop Mukhopadhyay at 11:30 am
- October 2014: Dr. Magnus Haltebakk visits the department
- 28.05.2014: Haimanti Bhattacharya gives a lecture titled "Spousal Violence and Women's Labor Force Participation in India" at 1:15 pm
- June 2013: Kristina Czura receives the „Förderpreis für praxisrelevante Entwicklungsforschung“
- 11.06.2013: Manoranjan Pal gives a lecture titled “Intra-Household Allocation of Resources: A Regression Decomposition Analysis" at 11:15 am
- 16.07.2012: P. Sainath gives a lecture titled “Twenty Years After: ‘The Poor & the Wages of Liberalization‘
- 02.07.2012: Wolfgang-Peter Zingel gives a short talk titled: "Wieso gibt es in einer Demokratie keine Hungersnot aber verbreiteten Hunger?"at 12:30 pm
- 26.06.2012: Wolfgang-Peter Zingel gives a short talk titled: "Kann wirtschaftliche und soziale Entwicklung erzwungen werden?" at 12:30 pm
- 25.06.2012: Chris Rieger gives a short talk titled: Wie bekämpft Indien die Korruption?" at 12:30 pm
- 21.06.2012: Oskar Gans gives a short talk titled: "Sind Indien und China weitere Beispiele für den 'Mythos vom asiatischen Wirtschaftswunder'?" at 12:30 pm
- 19.06.2012: Clive Bell gives a short talk titled "Wie funktioniert Arbeit, Kredit und Landpacht ohne geschriebene Verträge?" at 12:30 pm
- 13.06.2012: Oskar Gans gives a short talk titled: "Bangladeshs Wirtschaftssystem der 80er Jahre: eine sozialistisch-planwirtschaftliche Fehlkonstruktion?" at 12:30 pm
- 31.05.2012: Stefan Klonner gives a short talk titled: "Hat Muhammad Yunus die Mikrofinanzierung erfunden?" at 12:30 pm
- 27.04.2012: Stefan Klonner gives a short talk titled: “Ist Indiens Wirtschaftswachstum bei den Armen angekommen?“ at 12:30 pm
- 03.11.2011: Lovely Mukherjee and Florian Grohs were interviewed by ZDF Infokanal for a video on peer-to-peer microcredit at IWH, Heidelberg
- 28.-29.09.2011: Fourth Inter-University Doctoral Workshop in Development Economics
- 28.09.2011: Round table on "Mikrofinanz in der Krise? Praktiker und Wissenschaftler diskutieren über die aktuellen Entwicklungen in Indien" at 05:30 pm
- 13.04.2011: Ram Singh gives a lecture titled: “Public Private Partnerships for Infrastructure Development: ‘Study of National Highways in India’” at 04 pm
- 03.-05.12.2010: DAAD conducted a workshop in Islamabad, Pakistan.