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Scholarly Pursuits Research Projects
Recent Research Projects
- Partitioned Borderlands: Ethics of Collaboration and Resistance in Postcolonial Pakistan (Habilitation Project)
- Rewilding Capital Territory: Conservation, Urban Development and Indigenous Rights in the Margallah Hills National Park, Islamabad, Pakistan (2024-25)
“Tantric Text-Practices: A Comparative Ethnography of ‘Tantra’ in South and Southeast Asia” (with Prof. Dr. Annette Hornbacher) (DFG) (2018-2021) €108,534
Completed Research Projects
- “Local Knowledge for Global Problems: A Transcultural Approach” (with Prof. Dr. Annette Hornbacher) (DFG) (2018-19) €31,680
- AROGYAM (Indian-European Research Networking Programme in the Social Sciences (ANR-DFG-ESRC-NOW) EUR €225,600
- Cluster of Excellence Mini-Cluster MC-11, 2012-2017, “Changing Minds: the transcultural production of human kinds” (a study of ritual, history, and the sciences of mind) EUR 829,250.00
- Changing Strategies of Resource Use: The “Bhotiyas” in the High Mountain Border Region of Uttarakhand, India (DFG Project NU 102/10-1)
- “Religion on Stage,” Sub-Project B14, Cluster "Asia and Europe"
- “Staging Religion,” Sub-Project B7, Cluster "Asia and Europe"