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Events 2021

  • New publication by Prof Dr. Rahul Mukherji and Dr. Seyed Hossein Zarhani 

    Prof Dr. Rahul Mukherji and Dr. Seyed Hossein Zarhani  have published a chapter titled “Economies and Development”, in a recently published edited book by Sumit Ganguly and Neil DeVotta on Understanding Contemporary India published by Lynne Rienner Publishers, Boulder, Colorado.

    Access the chapter .


  • New article by Prof. Rahul Mukherji on “India’s History Holds the Answer to Its Democratic Future” 

    Prof. Rahul Mukherji has published an article on “India’s History Holds the Answer to Its Democratic Future” in the Wire. Read this article .


  • Talk by Dr. Aasim Sajjad Akhtar on "Hamza Alavi’s Overdeveloped Legacy"

    Dr. Aasim Sajjad Akhtar will be delivering a talk titled "Hamza Alavi’s Overdeveloped Legacy" on December 13 (Monday), 2021, 14:00 – 16:00 (CET). More details are .


  • Talk by Prof. Rahul Mukherji at 50th commemoration of the Centre for Political Studies, JNU

    Prof. Dr. Rahul Mukherji will be delivering a talk on "Public policy and development" at the 50th commemoration of the Centre for Political Studies, Jawaharlal Nehru University, on December 8, 2021, 1.30-3.00 pm, IST. More details are . Google Meet Link - https://meet.google.com/uii-byxh-iit?hs=224


  • Neue Publikation von Dr. Bernhard M. Beitelmair-Berini

    Bernhard Beitelmair-Berini, der Mitglied des Südasien Instituts (SAI) und Lehrbeauftragter an der Abteilung für Politikwissenschaft ist, hat bei Routledge ein Buch mit dem Titel “India’s Grand Strategy and Foreign Policy. Strategic Pluralism and Subcultures” veröffentlicht. Das Buch ist Teil der Routledge Serie Advances in South Asian Studies.
    Das Buch beschäftigt sich mit den verschiedenen, miteinander konkurrierenden, strategischen Weltbildern bzw. Subkulturen, die im Spannungsfeld zwischen modernen normativen Ansätzen der internationalen Beziehungen und vernikulärer Staatskunst und Strategie formuliert sind und die indische Außen- und Sicherheitspolitik zu bestimmen versuchen.
    Um diese Vielfalt an Ideen und Perspektiven zu erfassen, welche den Diskurs über Strategie im Allgemeinen und Außenpolitik im Besonderen in Indien prägen, hat der Autor das “subculture-cleavage model of grand strategic thought”, als analytisches Instrument entwickelt.
    Dieser einzigartige Ansatz, um die Debatten rund um das strategische Denken in Indien zu verstehen und strukturieren zu können ist für Spezialisten wie für Studenten der Internationalen Beziehungen, der politischen Theorien, der Südasienstudien und im Speziellen der indischen Außen- und Sicherheitspolitik von Interesse.


  • Talk by Ambassador Shyam Saran on "The Challenge of Proximity: Managing India's Sub-continental Periphery"

    Ambassador Shyam Saran will be delivering a talk titled “The Challenge of Proximity: Managing India's Sub-continental Periphery?” on December 06 (Monday), 2021, 14:00 – 16:00, CET, (6.30 – 8.30 pm IST). 


  • Taliban are unable to govern Afghanistan; Pakistan's influence overplayed; whither India?

    The South Asia Institute, Heidelberg University and the South Asia Monitor, New Delhi, jointly organized a panel discussion on "The Political Crisis in Afghanistan", which was held on  Monday, November 15, 2021. A summery of the discussion is now published on the South Asia Monitor along with the recording, which can be viewed .


  • Talk by Professor Harun-or-Rashid on "Was India’s 1947 Partition Inevitable?"

    Professor Harun-or-Rashid will be delivering a talk titled “Was India’s 1947 Partition Inevitable?” on November 22 (Monday), 2021, 14:00 – 16:00 (CET).


  • Panel Discussion on "The Political Crisis in Afghanistan"

    The South Asia Institute, Heidelberg University and the South Asia Monitor, New Delhi, jointly organized a panel discussion on "The Political Crisis in Afghanistan", which will be held on  Monday, November 15, 2021 at 1400 – 1600 hrs (CET), Online – Via Zoom. 


  • Congratulations to Abdul Waheed

    We congratulate our student Abdul Waheed on receiving the Free Mover Scholarship of Brot für die Welt. The scholarship aims to foster students' academic qualification and political awareness who have freely entered Germany. Mr. Waheed is pursuing M.A. in Development, Environment, Societies, and History in South Asia, with a focus on Politics of South Asia, at the South Asian Institute, University of Heidelberg.


  • Webinar by Dr Himanshu Jha on " Capturing Institutional Change: The Case of the Right to Information Act in India "

    Dr Himanshu Jha will be delivering a talk titled " Capturing Institutional Change: The Case of the Right to Information Act in India " on Friday, 22 October 2021, at 3.00pm to 4.30pm (Singapore Time), Online -Via Zoom (link will be sent to registrants), organised by National University of Singapore. More details are . RSVP: 


  • Talk by Professor Ruth Harris  on "Western Women, Indian Gurus"

    Professor Ruth Harris will be delivering a talk titled “Western Women, Indian Gurus” on October 18, 2021, 14:00 – 16:00 (CEST), at CATS lecture room 010.00.06 (max. 19 persons). This lecture will be broadcasted online, via Zoom, simultaneously; Zoom link- https://bit.ly/3a5EowZ Meeting id: 812 5314 7896 Pass code: TheoryM21 . 


  • Lecture by Prof. Rahul Mukherji at “Symposium - Society in Transition: Impacts of the Pandemic”

    Prof. Rahul Mukherji along with Prof. Till Winfried Bärnighausen, (director, the Heidelberg Institute of Global Health at Heidelberg University) recently delivered a lecture on “National responses to the pandemic and the changing world order” at an interdisciplinary symposium titled “Society in Transition: Impacts of the Pandemic” organised by the DWIH New Delhi. View the entire discussion .


  • Blog by Dr. Himanshu Jha on “Developing State Capacity in a Weak State”

    In the latest blog series of the Center for International Development at Harvard University Dr. Himanshu Jha published a blog on  “Developing State Capacity in a Weak State”. Read this blog post  .


  • Webinar on "Academic Freedom in South Asia" attracts internationally renowned scholars: A Report

    On August 2, 2021, the South Asia Institute, Heidelberg University held a public webinar on "Academic Freedom in South Asia :  The current situation".  Prof William Sax, Professor and Head of Anthropology, South Asia Institute, opened the webinar and Prof Rahul Mukherji, Professor and Head of Political Science and Executive Director, introduced the international guests. Read a brief report on Academic Freedom in South Asia .


  • New article by Nicolas Belorgey and Christophe Jaffrelot on “Identifying 1.3 Billion Indians Biometrically”

    Nicolas Belorgey and Christophe Jaffrelot have published an article on “Identifying 1.3 Billion Indians Biometrically” in the ‪Heidelberg Papers in South Asian and Comparative Politics - HPSACP, (No. 80, 2021). 


  • Public Webinar on "Academic Freedom in South Asia :  The current situation"

    The South Asia Institute, Heidelberg University, organized a public webinar on "Academic Freedom in South Asia :  The current situation", which will be held on  Monday, August 2, 2021 at 1130 – 1300 hrs (CEST), Online – Via Zoom. Zoom link: https://zoom.us/j/93294506671?pwd=NHdpQklidWdMTGtweHZsbjhYRDlWZz09, Meeting id: 932 9450 6671 Passcode: 892259. 


  • Lecture by Prof. Rahul Mukherji at “NIICE Global Conclave 2021” Conference

    Prof. Rahul Mukherji will be delivering a lecture at a conference titled “NIICE GLOBAL CONCLAVE 2021” on 27 June, 18:00 – 20:00 (Europe/Berlin time zone), organised by Nepal Institute for International Cooperation and Engagement (NIICE). Prof. Mukherji will be participating in a panel discussion on “Preventing Extremism and Building Resilient Society”. For more details see the conference booklet . Zoom Meeting link: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/84155021101?pwd=UEpyb3p4SHFEalM4WjdORUg4b0N3Z…
    Meeting ID: 841 5502 1101 Passcode: niicenepal


  • Talk by Dr Nicolas Belorgey and Prof Christophe Jaffrelot  on "Identifying 1.3 billion Indians biometrically: corporate world, state, and civil society"

    Dr Nicolas Belorgey and Prof Christophe Jaffrelot  will be delivering a talk titled "Identifying 1.3 billion Indians biometrically: corporate world, state, and civil society" on June 28, 2021, 14:00 – 16:00 (CEST), Online -Via Zoom, Zoom link-Meeting id: 812 5314 7896 Pass code: TheoryM21 . 


  • Talk by Dr Amit Ahuja and Dr Aashish Mehta on "How Does Growth Affect Corruption? Exit, Empowerment, and Voice in Indian Public Services "

    Dr Amit Ahuja and Dr Aashish Mehta will be delivering a talk titled "How Does Growth Affect Corruption? Exit, Empowerment, and Voice in Indian Public Services " on June 21, 2021, 14:00 – 16:00 (CEST), Online -Via Zoom, Zoom link-Meeting id: 812 5314 7896 Pass code: TheoryM21 . More details are .


  • The Department of Political Science at the South Asia Institute was awarded a 4EU+ project

    The Department of Political Science at the South Asia Institute was awarded a 4EU+ project titled: Framework for Area Studies. This project brings together scholars from the University of Warsaw, Charles University and the University of Milan to propose an undergraduate course on Area Studies. This project will explore how the four European universities can come together to enrich each other.


  • Talk by Prof Amiya Prosad Sen on "Hindutva before Hindutva: Some Reflections on the Complex Genealogy of Hindu Nationalism"

    Professor Prof Amiya Prosad Sen will be delivering a talk titled "Hindutva before Hindutva: Some Reflections on the Complex Genealogy of Hindu Nationalism" on June 14, 2021, 14:00 – 16:00 (CEST), Online -Via Zoom, Zoom link-Meeting id: 812 5314 7896 Pass code: TheoryM21 . 


  • Congratulations to Mr Anish Mishra

    Mr Anish Mishra has been admitted as a doctoral candidate to the Institut für Politische Wissenschaft (IPW), Faculty of Economics and Social Sciences of Heidelberg University, in April 2021. The working title of his dissertation is "Patterns and Processes of Regime Oscillations in South and Southeast Asia". Prior to this, Anish Mishra studied Master of Arts in Development, Environment, Societies and History in South Asia (MADESH) at the South Asia Institue (SAI), Heidelberg University, majoring in political science. We wish him every success in his academic journey.


  • [ PODCAST ]  Dr. Himanshu Jha in Lekh Podcast on Capturing Institutional Change

    In the latest episode of the Lekh Podcast Himanshu Jha discusses his book “Capturing Institutional Change” with the Political Scientist Karthik Nachiappan. Listen to the podcast .


  • Talk by Professor Anand Kumar on "Two Cycles of nation-building in post-colonial India: From Osmosis to Symbiosis (1947 – 2014)"

    Professor Anand Kumar will be delivering a talk titled "Two Cycles of nation-building in post-colonial India: From Osmosis to Symbiosis (1947 – 2014)" on May 31, 2021, 14:00 – 16:00 (CEST), Online -Via Zoom, Zoom link-Meeting id: 812 5314 7896 Pass code: TheoryM21 . 


  • CESS special lecture by Prof. Rahul Mukherji : Policy Paradigms, Paths and Change

    As part of CESS-DGS special lecture series, Prof. Rahul Mukherji, Heidelberg University, Germany, will deliver a lecture titled "Policy Paradigms, Paths and Change", at Seminar Hall 1, CESS Main Building. This lecture will discuss how policy paradigms impact governance. They can take a variety of paths. Combining ideas with policy paths may often reveal more about development and change than the politics of interest groups. This is not to deny that powerful interest groups do help to maintain the bias in favour of the status quo. Time: May 24 (Monday), 2021, 2:00 PM India, Zoom Meeting link: 

    Meeting ID: 892 5474 9423, Passcode: 12345. 


  • [ PODCAST ]  Dr. Himanshu Jha in conversation with Milan Vaishnav to discuss his latest book

    In the latest GrandTamasha podcast by Carnegie Endowment for International Peace and Hindustan Times, Himanshu Jha is in conversation with Milan Vaishnav to discuss his latest book, the origins of Right to Information Act in India and its use by the Indian Citizens. Listen to the podcast .


  • New article by late Dr. Michael Liebig on ‘India's Strategic Culture and Its Kautilyan Lineage’ now published

    A new article by late Dr. Michael Liebig titled, ‘India's Strategic Culture and Its Kautilyan Lineage’, has been published in the 150th Anniversary issue of The Journal of the United Services Institution of India (October 2020). This significant special issue includes congratulatory messages from the President of India Ram Nath Kovind; Defence Minister, Rajnath Singh; and top brass from the Indian armed forces. Research on Dr. Liebig’s paper was conducted at the Department of Political Science, South Asia Institute, Heidelberg University.  Read this article .


  • Talk by Dr. Rumela Sen on "Farewell to Arms: How Rebels Retire without Getting Killed" 

    Dr. Rumela Sen will be delivering a talk entitled "Farewell to Arms: How Rebels Retire without Getting Killed" on May 3, 2021, 14:00 – 16:00 (CEST), Online -Via Zoom, Zoom link-Meeting id: 812 5314 7896 Pass code: TheoryM21 . 


  • Talk by Dr. Himanshu Jha on the Right to Information (RTI) and democracy in “Lets Talk Policy” series 

    Dr. Himanshu Jha will be participating in a panel discussion on the Right to Information (RTI) and democracy in “Lets Talk Policy” series organized by the Kautilya School of Public Policy on 29th April. He will be joined by Ms. Anjali Bhardwaj- a well known RTI activist and Dr.Jaya Prakash Narayana , the founder of Lok Satta Party.  The discussion will be moderated by Nidhi Razdan, Faculty , Kautilya uni and former executive editor of NDTV. To attend click .


  • Talk by Dr. Himanshu Jha on his book “Capturing Institutional Change” at the Oxford University

    Dr. Himanshu Jha will be giving a talk on his book “Capturing Institutional Change” at the Oxford University’s Modern South Asian Studies seminar. To attend register via Eventbrite, .


  • Talk by Prof. Rahul Mukherji on "Policy paradigms and path dependence: the endogenous roots of institutional displacement and drift in India" 

    Prof. Rahul Mukherji and Dr. Seyed Hossein Zarhani will be delivering a talk entitled "Policy paradigms and path dependence: the endogenous roots of institutional displacement and drift in India " on April 26, 2021, 14:00 – 16:00 (CEST), Online -Via Zoom, Zoom link-Meeting id: 812 5314 7896 Pass code: TheoryM21 . More details are .


  • Seminar on "The Place of Area Studies in the International Relations Discipline"

    The Department of Area and Global Studies of the Faculty of Political Science and International Studies, University of Warsaw, and the Department of Political Science, South Asia Institute, Heidelberg University, co-organized a seminar on "The Place of Area Studies in the International Relations Discipline". This seminar will be held on  Wednesday, April 21, 2021 at 17.00 – 18.30. More details are .


  • Talk by Dr. Christian Wagner on "Indo-German Relations: more commonalities, more differences" 

    Dr. Christian Wagner, the German Institute for International and Security Affairs (SWP) in Berlin, will be delivering a talk entitled "Indo-German Relations: more commonalities, more differences" on April 19, 2021, 14:00 – 16:00 (CEST), Online -Via Zoom, Zoom link-  Meeting id: 812 5314 7896 Pass code: TheoryM21 .


  • [ PODCAST ]  Dr. Himanshu Jha on freedom and right to information in India

    In the latest episode of Ideas of India podcast Dr.Himanshu Jha is in conversation with Shruti Rajagopalan to discuss among other things- institutional change, evolution of RTI and his Book. Listen to this podcast .


  • [ PODCAST ]  Dr. Himanshu Jha along with Prof. Vivien A. Schmidt on  government transparencyand the freedom of information

    In the latest episode of ‘The Oxford Comment’ podcast Dr. Himanshu Jha along with Prof. Vivien A. Schmidt (Boston University) discuss government transparency, flow of information Right to Information and the freedom of information. Listen to this podcast .


  • New article by Dr. Himanshu Jha 

    Dr. Himanshu Jha has published an article on “Capturing Institutional Change: Bringing Back Ideas and the State” in the current issue of India in Transition (IiT) by the Center for the Advanced Study of India (CASI) of the University of Pennsylvania. Read this article .


  • Talk by Dr. Himanshu Jha

    Dr. Himanshu Jha will give a talk on his book “Capturing Institutional Change” at the Department of Political Science, University of Hyderabad, India on Mar 29, 2021 04:00 PM IST. From Hyderabad University - Prof.K.K.Suan.Hausing will chair the event and Prof. K.K.Kailash will be discussant. To join please register  or by email to Dr Anagha Ingole (anagha@uohyd.ac.in )


  • [VIDEO] Leuven Global Lecture: "India's Authoritarian Turn" by Prof. Rahul Mukherji

    Prof. Rahul Mukherji delivered a talk on “India's Authoritarian Turn” . The talk was part of the Global Webinar Series 'Democratic and Rule of Law Backsliding around the World', hosted by the Leuven Centre for Global Governance Studies. 


  • Online book discussion with Dr. Himanshu Jha and Prof. Jeannine Relly

    The Swedish South Asian Studies Network (SASNET), Lund University, organizes an online discussion of Dr. Himanshu Jha’s recent book. Dr. Jha will be in conversation with Prof.Jeannine Relly, University of Arizona. 


  • Talk by Prof. Rahul Mukherji on “India's Authoritarian Turn” 

    Prof. Rahul Mukherji will be delivering a talk entitled “India's Authoritarian Turn” on March 17 (Wednesday), 4pm CET. This talk is part of the Global Webinar Series 'Democratic and Rule of Law Backsliding around the World', hosted by the Leuven Centre for Global Governance Studies. For more details, please see the newsletter of the project RECONNECT .  The direct registration 


  • Congratulations to Namia Akhtar

    Congratulations to our alumni, Namia Akhtar, for her traineeship placement at the European Union Delegation to Bangladesh. As a part of her traineeship she initiated the EU’s mural painting event, “Right to the City.” It is a unique street art event intended to provide young female artists with a platform to exhibit their works. She hopes to continue her engagement at the development sector.


  • Lecture by Dr. Himanshu Jha on " Capturing Institutional Change: The case of the RTI Act in India”

    Dr. Himanshu Jha will be delivering a talk entitled  " Capturing Institutional Change: The case of the RTI Act in India” (based on his recently published book) on 1st March 2021, 2pm IST.  This talk is organized by the Department of Political Science, Ramjas College, University of Delhi. Register  .


  • New article by Prof. Rahul Mukherji and Dr. Seyed Hossein Zarhani

    Professor Rahul Mukherji and Dr. Seyed Hossein Zarhani have published an article on “Policy paradigms and path dependence: the endogenous roots of institutional displacement and drift in India” in the first issue of the Springer Nature journal, Global Public Policy and Governance - GPPG, vol. 1, No. 1,(2021)pp. 78-97.


  • New article by Pralay Kanungo and Sitaram Kumbhar

    Pralay Kanungo and Sitaram Kumbhar have published an article on “Odisha’s Transformation under the Naveen Patnaik Regime,” in the Economic & Political Weekly, vol. 56, No. 8, (Feb, 2021).


  • [VIDEO] Book Discussion On Capturing Institutional Change :The Case of the Right to Information Act in India

    Book Discussion On Capturing Institutional Change :The Case of the Right to Information Act in India. Chaired by Dr. Seyed Hossein Zarhani, SAI, Heidelberg University. Discussants: Dr Gabrielle Kruks-Wisner, University of Virginia,Dr Akshay Mangla, University of Oxford. held on Monday, February 15, 2021. View the entire session .


  • [VIDEO] Lecture by Prof. Rahul Mukherji on NGOs and Civil Society in India

    Prof. Rahul Mukherji delivered a lecture entitled “NGOs and Civil Society in India, on February 8, 2021(Monday). 


  • Book Discussion On Capturing Institutional Change :The Case of the Right to Information Act in India, February 15, 2021

    Book Discussion On Capturing Institutional Change :The Case of the Right to Information Act in India. Chaired by Professor Dr Rahul Mukherji,Heidelberg University.Discussants:Dr Gabrielle Kruks-Wisner, University of Virginia,Dr Akshay Mangla, University of Oxford.  Monday, February 15, 2021, Time: 14:15 – 15:45 (CET), Online -Via Zoom, Zoom link:  , Zoom id: 870 9105 7335,
    Zoom passcode: Jha15 .


  • Lecture by Prof. Rahul Mukherji on NGOs and Civil Society in India, February 8, 2021

    Prof. Rahul Mukherji will be delivering a lecture entitled “NGOs and Civil Society in India, on February 8, 2021(Monday), 14:15 – 15:45 (CET), online - Via Zoom. Zoom link : https://bit.ly/39NXlVo , Zoom id: 870 9105 7335, Zoom passcode: theory20M . 


  • New article by Christophe Jaffrelot and Pratinav Anil on “Interpreting the Emergency”

    Christophe Jaffrelot and Pratinav Anil have published an article on “Interpreting the Emergency” in the ‪Heidelberg Papers in South Asian and Comparative Politics - HPSACP, (No. 79, 2021). 


  • Lecture by Prof. Rahul Mukherji organised by the Department of Political Science, Jamia Millia Islamia, on January 13, 2021

    Prof. Rahul Mukherji will be delivering a lecture entitled “How Do Democratic Institutions Decline? Covid 19 Management, Social Action and Federalism,” organized by the Department of Political Science, Jamia Millia Islamia, on January 13, 2021.