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Scholarship holder Kunzang Angmo

Kunzang Angmo has been in the Geography department since September 2024. She studied English at Delhi University. After her studies, she participated in research projects and NGOs in Ladakh and worked as an author for the magazine stawa. She participated in several workshops and courses on water resources management and faculty development programmes. Since 2021 she has been an Asst. Prof. at the H. N. B. Garhwal University (A Central University), in Uttarakhand, India.

Kunzang Angmo

Research Topics

Human-Environmental Interactions
Himalayan Studies

Selected Presentations

Angmo K (2023): Concepts of Water in Ladakh Himalaya: A Case Study of Socio-environmental Challenges and Adaptation Strategies. 20th International Association for Ladakh Studies (IALS) Conference, 5.-8.10.2023, Heidelberg, Germany.

Doctoral Researcher
Department of Geography
South Asia Institute, Universität Heidelberg
Voßstraße 2, Building 4130
D-69115 Heidelberg 

Room:   130.03.14
Tel:  +49 6221 54-15247
Email:  kunzang.angmo@stud.uni-heidelberg.de