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Invitation to the Conference `A Yam between Two Rocks´

On May 27th and 28th the Heidelberg Academy of Sciences hosts the international conference ``A Yam between Two Rocks´: Transcultural Histories of Nepal´s Relations with India, China, and Tibet´. The event is conducted by Research Unit `Documents on the History of Religion and Law of Pre-modern Nepal´ and `Nepal Heritage Documentation Project´. The conference investigates the potential of transculturality in understanding specific aspects of Nepal´s non-colonized history. At the same time it honors Professor Axel Michaels on the occasion of his 75th birthday. Find details of the event here.

As part of conference the there is a public keynote by Charles Ramble (Oxford/Paris) entitled `A yam or a sausage? Elastic boundaries, internal exotica and other features in the slow coagulation of a nation´ in the CATS Auditorium (010.01.05) on Monday, May 27th at 6pm. On the following day there will be a book launch of Axel Michael´ recent publication `Nepal: A History from the Earliest Times to the Present´ (Oxford University Press, 2024) at 6 pm in the Völkerkundemuseum, Hauptstr. 235, 69117 Heidelberg. You are kindly asked to register for the events with Simon Cubelic (simon.cubelic@hadw-bw.de) or Lara Basile (lara.basile@hcts.uni-heidelberg.de)