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"A Sonic Approach to Anticolonialisim in Interwar India": DFG Project Launch Event

The History Department of the South Asia Institute is pleased to invite you to the Launch of the DFG Project titled "A Sonic Approach to Anticolonialisim in Interwar India", with the participation of Prof. Dr. Kama Maclean, Anamitra Ghosh and Jacob Thomas.

Kama Maclean´s project aims to apply the methods of Sound Studies to a study of the history of anticolonialism in India. Extending on her earlier work, which draws extensively on visual archives to construct historical narratives, this project aims to explicitly trace the reverberations of sound - especially mediated speech, slogans and songs - in anticolonial mobilisation in the interwar period. Orality was a critical element of political communication, which, partly due to the difficulties in capturing the spoken word, has not yet been studied in detail. Yet the archives are full of sound.

The event will take place in the South Asia Institute (Voßstrasse 2, Building 4130), Room 130.00.02 on Monday, April 29th, 2024 between 10:00 and 12:30 CEST.