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Phd Student Anamitra Ghosh

Anamitra Ghosh is a Doctoral Candidate at the Department of History under the supervision of Prof. (Dr.) Kama Maclean since April 2024. He is a part of the DFG Project, “A Sonic Approach to Anti-Colonialism in Interwar India.”

He completed his Masters in History from Presidency University, Kolkata, India in 2022. Currently, he is working on his doctoral project provisionally titled “Echoes of Resistance: Soundscapes in Interwar British India (1918-39),” with a special focus on the use of radio broadcasting in shaping anti-colonial mobilisation. His research interests include sound studies, histories of technology, media history, and modern South Asia.

Picture of Anamitra Ghosh

Academic Outreach and Engagement

  • Book Review

    Listen closely: African voices in German (colonial) sound archives

     - Published in Sound Studies.
  • Podcast: Being Hindu, Being Indian: A Conversation with Dr. Vanya Vaidehi Bhargav 

     - Recorded for New Books Network.