LECTURER Dr. Mudagamuwe Maithrimurthi
Selected Publications
- Lambert Schmithausen : Collected Papers, Vol. II: 1978–1999. Ed. by M. MAITHRIMURTHI, M. PAHLKE, A. v. ROSPATT, Studia Philologica Buddhica, The Internatuional Institue for Buddhist Studies, Tokyo 2023, 710 pages.
- “Bishamonten no henyou: baramonkyou kara mikkyou he"(毘沙門天んの変容ーバラモン教から密教へー)<The Transformation of Vaiśravaṇa: from Brahmanism to Esoteric Buddhism>“. In: Bishamonten shinkou to sono denpa: Ajia kakuchini okeru tenkai (毘沙門天信仰とその伝播ーアジア各地における展開ー) <Vaiśravaṇa Faith and Its Transmission: Developments in Various Parts of Asia>, ed. TAIDO KITAMURA, (together with SHOBHA RANI DASH),(616 pages) publisher: Kishinshobo, Urayasu, Chiba prefecture 2022, 3–54.
- “Attitudes towards Animals in Indian Buddhism“. In: Penser, dire et représenter l’animal dans le monde Indien (Actes du colloque organisé par l’équipe LACMI en mars 2002, à paraître), ed. NALINI BALBIR, (together with LAMBERT SCHMITHAUSEN), Paris 2009, 47–115.
- “Revisiting the Term ‘bhaddekaratta’ in the Pāli Canon and its Variants, Translations and Interpretations, in: Bulletin of the International Institute for Buddhist Studies, Vol. 5, 2023, pp. 53–80.
- “Identifying Three Entomological Species in Sanskrit Literature: PEŚASKṚT, INDRAGOPA and VIŚVAṂBHARA and the Term ŚAṄKUPATHA”, in Zeitschrift für Indologie und Südasienstudien, Band 39, 2021, pp. 75–108.
- “Goddess Sarasvatī as a River in the Ṛgveda“, Sarasvatī, No. 8, edited and published by Sarasvatī Research Group (Sarasvatī kenkyu kai), supported by Bentenshu kyori kenkyushitsu, Osaka, 2018,11–35 (together with SHOBHA RANI DASH and a Japanese translation by SHOBHA RANI DASH, 37–61).

Selected List
- Singhalesisch II (SoSe 2023)
- Pali Fortgeschrittene (SoSe 2023)
- Sanskrit II (SoSe 2022)
- Sanskrit leichte Lektüre: Nala und Damayanti des Mahabharata (SoSe 2022)
- Sanskrit Fortgeschrittene: Ausgewählte-Sanskrittexte zum Thema: „Tod, Konzeption und Geburt.“ (SoSe 2022)